FREEZE! Hold still during your MRI.
Did you know that even the slightest movement during your exam can compromise your MRI picture? Motion can affect nearly every modality of radiology, but none so much as MRI. This is because the machine is taking images of your body in such detail, that when a patient moves even just a little in the MRI machine, the scan can become blurry. This makes it difficult for the radiologists to read the image and make an accurate diagnosis. Movement during your MRI scan can lead to additional time in the machine because the image sequence may need to be redone; you may even have to reschedule your appointment to redo the entire exam!
MRI scans are done in a series of images known as sequences. The length of each sequence can vary depending on the body part being scanned and its extremely important to hold still during each one. You will have the opportunity to move between sequences and Shields MRI Technologists will speak to you through a speaker, letting you know how much time you have left to hold still. Shields MRI technologists are specially trained and their goal is to keep you comfortable and ensure your time in the machine is minimized.
Our radiologists need an extremely clear picture to make the most accurate diagnosis for you. Thank you for doing your part and holding still during your exam.
SEEING IS BELIEVING! Here are two sets of images showing an MRI of the shoulder and an MRI of the knee. Can you tell in which picture the patient moved?