Which diagnostic image would YOU prefer? The power of artificial intelligence is changing MRI around the world. And Shields was the first to implement this technology for a heightened patient experience. While our 1.5T and 3T MRI machines have... Continued
Read the latest news and updates from Shields.
March is Women’s History month and hosts International Women’s Day. It’s also Endometriosis awareness month, a disease that affects an estimated 200 million women worldwide, which translates to roughly 10% of reproductive age women and girls.1 Continued
Although the cause of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is unknown ongoing research is moving forward at a remarkable pace and more potential therapies appear to be in the pipeline than ever before. Continued
February is American Heart Month Continued
An average of one in ten people need an MRI each year and if you are one of them, chances are that you’re a tad nervous. Hopefully knowing these 7 things about MRIs beforehand will help you have an easier and pleasant experience. Continued
Many annual deductibles, flexible spending, health savings and overall insurance benefits renew at the end of December. If your doctor has recommended an MRI, don’t wait to schedule the appointment. Continued
X-rays, MRI, CT, PET & PET/CT are just some of the more familiar imaging technologies today used to see what’s happening inside of us. While these advanced imaging techniques are common today, there is often confusion about what the differences are... Continued
Ahhh…summertime. Warm weather means outdoor sports, vacations, exercise and …shoulder injuries? That’s right, shoulder injuries. Many classic outdoor activities during the summer months are “overhand/overhead” ones like baseball, softball, tennis,... Continued