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For media inquiries, contact Lisa Campisi, Director of Marketing & Communications, at 617-376-7436.

Cardiac PET/CT— Breaking Barriers in Women's Heart Health

Discover how Cardiac PET/CT revolutionizes heart disease diagnosis and treatment, especially for women. Continued

3 Things Everyone Should Know about Lung Cancer


X-ray, MRI, PET, CT & PET/CT: A closer look at these common imaging techniques

X-rays, MRI, CT, PET & PET/CT are just some of the more familiar imaging technologies today used to see what’s happening inside of us. While these advanced imaging techniques are common today, there is often confusion about what the differences are... Continued

Ten ways to make the most of your health care in 2013

This information is from:Castlight Health, Inc. San Francisco, CA (415) 829-1400, info@castlighthealth.c Continued

Low Dose Chest CT Screening and Lung Cancer

The problem: Continued

CT Virtual Colonoscopy - What are the benefits?

Virtual colonoscopy (VC) is an examination of the large intestine and rectum involving a CT scan after the introduction of gas into the colon. Another name for the procedure is CT colonography. Continued

CT Images of the Shoulder - Broken Clavicle / Broken Collarbone

What does a broken collarbone /clavicle look like on a CT scan? Continued

Concussions & Head Trauma - What you should know

Marc Savard and Don Hasselback have raised awareness of concussions and the toll head trauma can take on the individual, as an athlete and in everyday life. Continued

MRI, CT and PET Scan Times


Do I need an MRI or CT?

Do I need an MRI or CT? is one of the most frequently asked questions we hear on a daily basis and often followed by the question Is it safe? Continued

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