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For media inquiries, contact Lisa Campisi, Director of Marketing & Communications, at 617-376-7436.

CT Virtual Colonoscopy - What are the benefits?

Virtual colonoscopy (VC) is an examination of the large intestine and rectum involving a CT scan after the introduction of gas into the colon. Another name for the procedure is CT colonography. Continued

CT Images of the Shoulder - Broken Clavicle / Broken Collarbone

What does a broken collarbone /clavicle look like on a CT scan? Continued

Hamstring Injury and MRI images

Soccer, football and marathon training are in full swing and we are seeing an infux of patients with an injury to the hamstring. Continued

Concussions & Head Trauma - What you should know

Marc Savard and Don Hasselback have raised awareness of concussions and the toll head trauma can take on the individual, as an athlete and in everyday life. Continued

Women's Health - Mammography debate continues

A recently released study from Sweden is fostering debate over what age women should get mammograms. Continued

MRI, CT and PET Scan Times


Rate of Return of a Wellness Program

Before launching a Wellness Program decide what you are trying to achieve and set realistic timelines for achieving a return on your investment. Continued

MRI Images - torn ACL and normal ACL

Media sources report Kevin Faulk of the New England Patriots may have suffered a torn ACL. That is, a tear in the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). The knee’s four main ligaments tether the tibia (shin bone) to the femur (thigh bone). These... Continued

Does my size matter if I need an MRI?

Generally speaking you can get a high-quality MRI scan in a comfortable setting regardless of your body size. Access to care is not driven by body size though your personal comfort may come into play. In fact, professional athletes of all shapes... Continued

Radiation Therapy - deciphering common Radiation Therapy terms

The world of cancer care is often surrounded by terms and acronyms unfamiliar to most of us. In this blog we offer a glossary of common terms related to radiation therapy: Continued

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