February is American Heart Month Continued
Shields Health Blog
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Most people don’t know that prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among American men, affecting roughly 1 in every 7. Early detection is the key to treating prostate cancer – so here is what you should know….. Continued
Emmy-award-winning actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and announced it using a startling statistic: “One in eight women get breast cancer. Today, I’m the one.” Continued
Its more common than breast cancer.For men at average risk, about one man in seven will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime. According to the National Cancer Institute, it’s the second most common cancer for men, representing 7... Continued
On a high-deductible health plan this year? You are not alone! More and more employers are implementing these plans that put more of the responsibility to pay out-of-pocket for certain health care procedures onto the patient. As a health care... Continued
An average of one in ten people need an MRI each year and if you are one of them, chances are that you’re a tad nervous. Hopefully knowing these 7 things about MRIs beforehand will help you have an easier and pleasant experience. Continued
Early detection remains the best way to improve survival rates of breast cancer. Millions of women know the importance of and participate in regularly scheduled screening mammograms, but there has been varied recommendations in the news around the... Continued