Read the latest news and updates from Shields.

For media inquiries, contact Lisa Campisi, Director of Marketing & Communications, at 617-376-7436.

Cardiac PET/CT— Breaking Barriers in Women's Heart Health

Discover how Cardiac PET/CT revolutionizes heart disease diagnosis and treatment, especially for women. Continued

The power of Artificial Intelligence

Which diagnostic image would YOU prefer? The power of artificial intelligence is changing MRI around the world. And Shields was the first to implement this technology for a heightened patient experience. While our 1.5T and 3T MRI machines have... Continued

Grey’s Anatomy: Mistake or medical mastery?

It looks like Grey's Anatomy might just go on forever! This finale was just as much of a cliffhanger as any other - so fans are already looking forward for it's return in the fall for the 19th season. We decided to take a look back and analyze what... Continued

Mary Shields: The heart of the Shields team

Family: it’s the heart of what we do and who we are. Mary Shields, our company co-founder and the matriarch of the Shields family, is known throughout our company as the unassuming yet amazingly strong heart of our team. A trailblazer and model for... Continued

Endometriosis: Getting answers with MRI

March is Women’s History month and hosts International Women’s Day. It’s also Endometriosis awareness month, a disease that affects an estimated 200 million women worldwide, which translates to roughly 10% of reproductive age women and girls.1 Continued

Case Study: PSMA Prostate Imaging with PET/CT for Reoccurrence


Case Study: The impact of PSMA PET/CT for Initial Staging


Frequently Asked Questions about PSMA with PET/CT imaging at Shields

Frequently Asked Questions about PSMA Prostate Imaging with PET/CT Currently, due to insurance regulations, Shields is able to accept referrals for PSMA prostate imaging with PET/CT, but payments are not standardized and may result in self-pay fees... Continued

Prostate Cancer: How Shields MRI Plays a Role in Better Biopsies

Prostate Cancer: How Shields MRI Plays a Role in Better Biopsies Continued

Tune in: Podcasts worth a listen!

Looking for something to catch up on during your morning commute, but don’t want to listen to the news? Check out some of the most popular podcasts in the medical world that highlight healthcare topics and understand more about what we do here at... Continued

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